Laboratory Safety Programs


The University of Notre Dame strives to make research and teaching environments where hazards are known and the associated risks are minimized by proper controls (procedures, protocols and equipment). RMS works in partnership with faculty, staff, and students to promote safe and healthy laboratory environments that will support both the University's teaching and research missions.   

It is the University’s intention to protect the health and safety of students, employees and the public by providing access to information regarding the safe handling of chemicals and all other hazards present in the workplace.

The navigation panel on the left shows the various components of the lab safety program, where information and procedures can be found. General Lab Safety applies to all University of Notre Dame laboratories, while other components are only applicable if the lab operations include the activity, equipment, or material usage. Contact the RMS lab safety team with any questions. 

Written Programs

Training Requirements

All personnel working in laboratories with hazardous materials or physical hazards must complete Laboratory Safety Training in eNDeavor initially and annually thereafter.  

Additional eNDeavor or "Lab Specific" training may be required depending on the hazards present in the lab. The Training Needs Assessment form is used to determine required training above the lab safety courses outlined above. Visit our Training page for more information on eNDeavor.


Laboratory Safety and PPE Equipment Links

Laboratory Hood Evaluation Procedure Link

LISP (Joint) Assessments

Unannounced Walkthroughs

Regulatory Requirements