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How do I access SafetyTraining in eNDeavor?

Sign into eNDeavor Learning activities can be completed on laptops, desktops, and tablets. Endeavor is compatible with all browsers. Learning activities are not accessible via cell phone devices at this time.


Who can access learning activities in eNDeavor for compliance? 

Any Learner who has a NetID can access safety training in eNDeavor. This includes Faculty, Staff (full-time, part-time, and temporary), Post Docs, Students & Affiliates. The system can be used to assign, track, and report on completed and overdue activities.


How do I know I need to take a learning activity?

When a learning activity is assigned to you, you will receive an email letting you know that you have an activity to complete. You can also view assignments on your "My Learning" page within eNDeavor.


If my test score is less than satisfactory, can I take it over?

Learning activities are set up to allow for multiple attempts to pass the tests.  If you do not pass after multiple attempts or if the learning activity does not allow for multiple attempts, the course can be reassigned by your supervisor and/or department administrator. 


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Is there any way for me to see my scores and what learning activities I've completed?

Yes, all Learners have access to their training transcript. This can be accessed using the icon located in the control panel on the left side of the screen. Your training transcript can be exported to PDF and/or printed to serve as your certificate of completion.


Who assigns learning activities?

Learning activities can be assigned by your manager or department admin. A learner can also self register for a learning activity. A full list of library learning activities can be accessed using the library icon located in the control panel on the left side of the screen.


I am a manager or department admin- how do I know what learning activities to assign? 

Click here to access the University's Training Needs Assssment to identify what training is required.  For all other training contact your manager.


I am not a Notre Dame employee, how do I get a NetID?

Click here request a university NetID affiliate account.


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Has Laboratory Safety Training changed?

Laboratory Safety Training has been updated in eNDeavor, as of April 2024. This updated course replaces "Laboratory Safety Fundamentals Parts 1, 2, and 3", "Laboratory Safety Refresher Training", and "Faculty Lab Safety Training". This training is required annually beginning when each individual would normally be due for lab safety training. This training is a curriculum that includes Hazardous Waste Training. 


Do I need to use VPN when logging into eNDeavor while off campus?

We recommend using VPN whenever attempting to log into eNDeavor while working off campus. Click here for information on how to connect to the VPN


How soon do new hires and/or students show up in the system?

Once all required forms are submitted, new hires typically appear in the system approximately 2 days after everything is processed. Students who have access within the eNDeavor system are those who are active current term and/or active next term students. So, depending on the terms in which they are enrolled will determine when students come through the active user feed.


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How can I access tutorials or reference guides to assist me in navigating within the system?

Various resource materials are available on the Risk Management & Safety Training web page and sub-pages


Are there any future training sessions available where I can receive training on how to use the system?

Training sessions will be offered in the coming months (June through October). Click here for more information on dates, times, as well as signing up for a session.


Once a manager assigns a learning activity, when will the learner receive notification emails?

Training will appear on the learner’s “My Learning” page within a few moments in most cases. Email notifications can take a few hours to alert the learner, but a learner can pull up their “My Learning” page and begin taking training without receiving the notification. 


Why does my manager dashboard screen not load? I'm unable to make an assignment or review training. 

The manager dashboard requires a user to have the role of a manager in the system. Email comply@nd.edu to make a request for your role to changed to manager.



Can I complete my training assignments using a mobile device, such as a tablet, iPad, etc.?

Any trainee is able to complete a training assignment using a mobile device, such as a tablet. But it's important to point out a specific point regarding courses that include supplemental materials. Any training assignment that is a curriculum will most often require you to complete a review of supplemental materials. These are most commonly in the form of a PowerPoint presentation. After clicking to launch the supplemental material, it will open up in a separate tab in the browser you are in (e.g., Safari for Apple devices). Once complete in reviewing the materials, trainees will need to close the tab the PowerPoint is displayed on and this will take you back to the original launch screen where there will be a message asking "Have you completed this activity?" After clicking the "Yes" button, that assignment will register as complete.



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Please contact us at comply@nd.edu with any additional questions or concerns.

Please contact us

at comply@nd.edu

with any additional

questions or concerns.